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✉️ Use doubt to your advantage

It's not JUST proving people wrong..

Hey there,

Ever had someone look you dead in the eye and tell you, “You can’t do that”? Feels like a punch to the gut, doesn’t it? Whether it’s your dream job, a passion project, or a goal you’ve been working toward for years, hearing those words can shake your confidence.

But what if I told you that every single “you can’t” is actually fuel for success?

I’m not just talking about proving them wrong. I’m talking about turning their doubt into something you can work with.

We live in a world where limits are constantly being imposed—by society, by friends, by family, and sometimes even by ourselves. These limits are invisible walls, but here’s the truth: they only exist if you choose to believe in them. This newsletter is all about helping you tear down those walls, piece by piece.


Why Do People Doubt You?

Let’s start by understanding why people doubt you in the first place. It’s not always about malice or wanting to see you fail (though that can happen too). More often than not, it’s because people project their own limitations onto others. If they’ve tried and failed or never even tried, they can’t see how you might succeed. So, in their mind, it’s only logical that you can’t do it either.

Here are three main reasons people doubt you:

  1. They’ve been burned before: Maybe they had a big dream that didn’t pan out. Maybe they started a business or a creative project, and it failed. They internalized that failure, and now they think it’s the only possible outcome.

  1. They’re stuck in the status quo: For a lot of people, stepping outside the box is terrifying. Routine is safe. They can’t see past the nine-to-five grind or the societal expectations that say you need to follow a traditional path to be “successful.” Your ambition threatens their idea of normal.

  1. They’re afraid of being left behind: Your growth is a mirror to their stagnation. If you chase your dream, what does it say about them staying stuck? Sometimes, they doubt you because they can’t bear to see you succeed while they’re standing still.

So, How Do You Turn Their Doubts Into Fuel?

Here’s the secret: doubt is nothing more than energy. You can either let it weigh you down or use it to propel yourself forward. Every time someone says, “You can’t,” you have two choices: believe them or turn it into a challenge.

Here are five strategies to help you use doubt to your advantage:

  1. Acknowledge Their Words—But Don’t Absorb Them.

    First things first: yes, listen to what people say. Sometimes there’s valuable feedback hidden in their doubt. But here’s the thing—you don’t have to accept it as your truth. Their limitations are not your limits. Take the criticism, sift through it, and throw out what doesn’t serve you.

Example: Imagine a friend says, “You’re not ready to start your own business.” Pause. Ask yourself: “Is this a reflection of my skills, or are they just afraid for me?” Often, they’re not doubting you, they’re afraid of the risks they would never take.

  1. Prove Yourself Wrong First.

    One of the biggest obstacles to success is the internal voice that says, “What if they’re right?” Before you can prove others wrong, you need to prove yourself right. Start small. Focus on little victories that build confidence and momentum. Don’t try to climb the whole mountain in one leap—start by tackling the first ridge.

Example: If you want to run a marathon, but you’ve been told you’re not “athletic enough,” sign up for a 5K first. Smash it. Then build from there. Each win will silence the doubt in your head, and once that’s gone, other people’s doubts won’t stand a chance.

  1. Find Your Tribe.

    We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. Surround yourself with those who believe in your vision. Seek out people who push you to grow, challenge you in healthy ways, and offer encouragement when the going gets tough. The right community can be the difference between giving up and breaking through.

Action step: Start connecting with others who are on the same journey. Whether it’s an online community, a group, or friends who have that same relentless drive, find your tribe. They’ll help you keep your momentum when the rest of the world tries to drag you down.

  1. Shift From Proving Them Wrong to Proving Yourself Right

    A lot of us spend too much energy trying to prove our doubters wrong. It’s exhausting. And sometimes, even when you prove them wrong, the satisfaction doesn’t last. Why? Because it wasn’t about you. Instead of focusing on them, shift the focus to proving yourself right. Do it because you believe in your dream, not just because you want to rub it in someone’s face.

Example: If someone told you that you’d never make it as a writer, the best revenge isn’t selling your first book out of spite—it’s because writing is your passion. The goal should be about fulfilling your purpose, not just silencing the haters.

  1. Turn Setbacks Into Something You Can Work With

    Listen, failure is part of the process. It’s inevitable. What separates successful people from those who never make it is what they do after failure. Do they stop? Or do they learn, pivot, and keep moving? Every setback is a chance to grow, to refine your approach, and to come back stronger.

Example: If you start a business and it doesn’t take off right away, that’s not the end. It’s a lesson. Maybe you need to tweak your marketing strategy, or maybe the product wasn’t aligned with the market’s needs. Don’t see failure as a sign that you “can’t.” See it as a sign that you’re on the right path and refining your journey.

Do you know what all successful people have in common?

They were all told “you can’t” at some point. But they didn’t let that stop them. In fact, the greatest innovators, leaders, and creators in history were often told that their ideas were ridiculous or impossible.

Here are a few examples of people who turned “you can’t” into “watch me”:

• Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper because they said he lacked imagination.

• Oprah Winfrey was told she was unfit for television.

• Steven Spielberg was rejected from film school three times.

Now, let’s get practical.

How do you apply all this to your life? Here’s an action plan to help you take the next step in turning doubt into success.

1) Journal Your Journey: Keep a record of every time someone says you can’t do something—and how you responded. Write down small wins, big wins, and lessons from failures. Over time, this will become your personal evidence that you are capable, even when others doubt you.

2) Set a Bold Goal: Pick something you’ve been told you can’t do, and go after it with laser focus. Break it down into manageable steps and take action every day. It could be starting a side hustle, learning a new skill, or even something as simple as posting your first video. Whatever it is, commit to it.

3) Reconnect With Your “Why”: Ask yourself why this goal is important to you. Your “why” is what will keep you going when the doubters get loud. It’s what will make you push through the setbacks and challenges.

4) Build Your Resilience: Doubt is inevitable. Failure is inevitable. But what’s also inevitable is growth, as long as you keep going. Focus on building resilience—learn from every experience, and never let one person’s opinion define your path.

Final Thoughts: Do It For Yourself

This is me in my early days podcasting ALLOCATED

At the end of the day, success isn’t just about proving others wrong. It’s about proving to yourself that you can overcome the obstacles, the doubt, and the fear. Every “you can’t” is a gift—a chance to show yourself and the world that you’re stronger than they ever imagined.

Next time someone tells you that you can’t, smile and say: Watch me.

Until next time, I’m Michael Hageman and I hope you enjoyed my first reborn Newsletter!

See you next week!


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